Winners of Tanka Time 2018

Tanka Time 2018 was held during the month of March 2018. Twenty poets submitted tanka based on the theme 'Family'. Special cheers to Susan Burch for organizing this challenge and communicating with the contestants for the voting procedure. We are humbled and honored that you choose to participate in this challenge. Thank you so much for the same.

Congratulations to the top three entries of this friendly challenge.  The First Place winner will receive ten personalized bookmarks of their winning tanka. All the winners will receive a Certificate of Merit.




Tanka Time 2018 Winners

First Place

20 Points


dirt-caked shoes 

still sit in the garage

we savor

the last yield of his garden

almost as a prayer


Pris Campbell

Lake Worth, Fl USA


Second Place –Tie

17 Points


the moon dips

below the horizon

my mother

fades into a world

I cannot see


Tiffany Shaw-Diaz

Centerville, Ohio, USA


Second Place –Tie

17 points


the dust

of father's papers

on my index finger—

no snow

this winter

Nicholas Klacsanzky

Kyiv, Ukraine



 Image Credit: Clipart Family from Wikimedia (Public Domain)