Author Spotlight


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Author Spotlight: A. L. Tyler

A. L. Tyler"I’m a girl from Broomfield, Colorado. I grew up there and I still live there. I attended too much college, I talk to my cats, I have a husband (sometimes I talk to him as well), and I have a wild imagination. I’ve held several interesting jobs over the years, including candle dipper, gondolier, and child wrangler."

- A. L. Tyler

In the Spotlight with Kerry Michael Wood

Interview by MJ Logan

Image of Author Kerry Michael WoodI talked recently with author and teacher Kerry Michael Wood about writing, books and his own very interesting personal history. Kerry has coauthored textbooks, written poetry, fiction, plays, has served in the armed forces, and taught at high schools and universities. Kerry's latest book is a memoir of his life titled Past Imperfect, Present Progressive.

Who is Kerry Michael Wood?
I am a retired English teacher and textbook co-author. I currently live in beautiful (read foggy) Pacific Grove, California. I used to call myself a southern Californian before leaving my home area to go east to college. I came home every time I could (one time hitchhiking during spring vacation), but my first job was on the San Francisco Peninsula. Central California and north have been home ever since except for three years abroad.

In the Spotlight with J.H. Bográn

Interview by MJ Logan

Image of Author J. H. BogránToday we welcome J.H. Bográn to the spotlight. José, please tell our readers a little about yourself.

Tough question. I dislike speaking about myself―it feels like shameless self promotion. Or maybe it’s because I like to create an aura of mystery. Thriller & Mystery is my preferred genre after all.

Trying to sound different from the official bio, here’s a bit: I was born on the same year The Godfather movie was released. Coincidentally, Mario Puzo’s novel was the second novel I ever read in English. Loved it, re-read it, have blogged about it.

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