Author Spotlight: A. L. Tyler
"I’m a girl from Broomfield, Colorado. I grew up there and I still live there. I attended too much college, I talk to my cats, I have a husband (sometimes I talk to him as well), and I have a wild imagination. I’ve held several interesting jobs over the years, including candle dipper, gondolier, and child wrangler."
- A. L. Tyler
In the Spotlight with A.L. Tyler
Interview by MJ Logan
Hello Addisyn. It is indeed a pleasure to be able to talk to you about yourself and your work as a writer. Tell our readers what you'd like them to know about you as a person.
I’m a girl from Broomfield, Colorado. I grew up there and I still live there. I attended too much college, I talk to my cats, I have a husband (sometimes I talk to him as well), and I have a wild imagination. I’ve held several interesting jobs over the years, including candle dipper, gondolier, and child wrangler.
Candle dipper and gondolier even. Those sound interesting and someday you have to tell me more about those jobs. How does one go from candle dipper to child wrangler to writing novels?
Well, I had to do something to fill all of those hours sitting in school! There were always doodles and scribbles in the margins of my notebooks; I started sharing my writing when I was in high school, and decided to write a novel with the intention of having other people read it when I went to college. This resulted in the Waldgrave Series.
Doodling and scribbling in class turned into 260,000+ words. I'm sure your professors are impressed! So. Tell us little about Waldgrave and your books.
For as long as she can remember, Lena Collins has traveled the world. When a series of untimely deaths and accidents leads her to the doorstep of the Waldgrave property and into the custody of her estranged uncle, the fairy tale begins to unwind. As a child, Lena was stolen from the other half of her family.
The Darays are an old, powerful, and respected royalty in the world of the Silenti; unfortunately, their status as political and religious figures have made them obvious targets for assassination. The Darays want Lena back, even if it kills her. But Lena is about to learn that the Darays have a secret that could overshadow the power that the family has exercised for generations. If she tells, it could destroy the mystique of the family, ending a religious pillar of society and possibly tearing apart the Silenti world in the process. That is, if she lives long to say anything at all.
And so we have murder, intrigue and all the elements that make a great book. What kinds of things have made your writing a success and in particular, Waldgrave?
A lot of determination. Also, several pro-publishing, badgering friends.
Ah yeah, the badgering friends. The people asking where the next chapter is so they can read it first. And professional publishers too! So with all this badgering, how much time do you spend writing?
As much as possible. I spend about two hours a day writing on novels…more if I can manage it between
chores on the weekend. I have been told that I am seen writing at inappropriate moments (i.e. birthdays, graduations, funerals, and weddings…including my own), so I suspect I get in a little additional here and there.
Writing at your own wedding even. Could we say, married to your work then? But let's not go there. Tell us what makes this book special to you.
It is the first one I shared with someone else, and my first published novel.
That first book is always a big stepping stone and a major accomplishment. And Waldgrave is put together so well too, not what a lot of people expect from a book marketed by the author. What makes it different from other books in this genre?
The remark I hear consistently is that people love the strong, female lead in the book. Some of the first readers of the book have remarked that they like that the book is plot-driven, and that it has elements of religion and politics without pushing an agenda.
Waldgrave is definitely plot driven. I could not put it down once I picked it up and there were a few nights I went to bed long after I should have. Who would you recommend this book to?
Fans of young adult, gothic, or paranormal mysteries will probably enjoy this novel. Anyone who wants to escape reality for a while, really!
The suspension of reality in this story is excellent. You fall right into the world and don't want to leave. What advice can you give aspiring authors to help them achieve the same thing - grabbing your audience and keeping them riveted?
Keep going, and never stop editing. There will always be something that you missed.
Editing is something that just never stops. One author recently told me they revised their book more than 40 times before they were satisfied. This is a three book series that isn't a trilogy. What can you tell us about that?
The Waldgrave Series was initially written in 13 parts, and not 3 novels. The second and third books represent parts 5-9 (roughly). They follow the continuing story of Lena Collins as she tries to locate an ancient relic that will win her freedom from the Silenti, the discovery of a astounding secret, and a revelation that will either save the Silenti world or destroy it.
Fan tip - Read "Arrival of the Traveler" first, then the next two books or you'll be lost. Addisyn, Besides the three books in this series, what else have you written?
I have written a lot, but I haven’t gotten around to editing or publishing much of it. For example, I have written two other novels and several snippets in the Waldgrave universe, but I haven’t decided if or when I will finish or publish them.
I've read all three books and wonder how I cannot hope there's a fourth Waldgrave book someday, and you seem to have left room for it. Are you working on anything now? What will we see in the future from you?
Harkening to the previous question, I am currently editing my next novel. The working title for this one is Redemption.
Addisyn it's been a real pleasure to learn more about you, your books and your writing.
Be sure to read our complete review of all three books in "The Waldgrave Series".
A.L. Tyler grew up in Broomfield, Colorado; she still lives there with two turtles, two cats, and a husband. She enjoys gardening, crafting, art, and gaming, as well as the more author-ly pursuits of reading, writing, and cover design. She is an indie author, and can be found at her blog: A.L. Tyler on blogspot.
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