Ten Tips on What Parents Cannot Do in a Classroom to Help the Teacher 

In the first part to this parent-teacher teamwork on ten things a parents can do to help in a classroom, it can be seen that there are many ways in which a parent can help in school. However, while good intentions may always be there to help the children, there are many things that a parent cannot and should not do in a classroom. Take a look at some of the top ten ways a parent cannot help the classroom and teacher.


1. Disrespect:


A parent volunteer is at school to assist and help. Any form of disrespect and misconduct is uncalled for and will not be tolerated. Disrespect towards the school, staff and students is a violation of the rules.


 2. Misuse confidential information:


A parent is not allowed to disclose any information to the pubic unless otherwise called to do so by school authorities. Any violation of this will be a breach of conduct on the part of the parent and the setting of bad example too to the children. It could also lead to difficult times for the child or children of such parents who study in that school.


 3. Never Take The Place Of the Teacher:


However dependent the teacher might be on the parent to get some work done, the parent is not the teacher in the classroom. The parent will neither assume responsibility for the class performance nor make it a point to take over the role as teacher.


he teacher will not correct, criticize or write up any child however serious a case may be that needs attention. The class teacher has the sole authority to correct a child.


4. Work in the absence of the teacher:


The parent will not, under any circumstance, attend to or take a class unsupervised. The teacher will have to be present at all times.


 5. Break the Rule:


A parent, like other employees in the school campus, will maintain a level of professionalism and not break school rules. These rules might be simple, taking into account the school timings, or not disturbing a class during class sessions. Whatever be the rule, no parent is above the law and breaking of rules or lack of discipline is a form of disrespect and will not be tolerated.